Monster hunter league of legends wiki
Monster hunter league of legends wiki

He's also six stories tall and not particularly friendly. Seeing as there are no sane hunters, Cho'Gath enjoys a steady supply of lightly armored food.Ī rare intelligent beast, Renekton is an erudite speaker and skilled wielder of the crescent blade.

monster hunter league of legends wiki

She is drawn to the sound of hunts, dive bombing the area before retreating with a hunter or two to snack on.Ī titanic beast feared for its massive size and endless appetite, no sane hunter would ever think of taking on Cho'Gath. A single swing of his blade can cleave a beast's limb from its body, and he has the hunting trophies to prove it.Ī gargantuan beast capable of creating vast ice fields, Anivia is a nightmarish opponent for even the most seasoned hunters. Tryndamere isn't the smartest beast hunter, but he is the strongest-possessing a stubborn rage that quite literally refuses to let him die. Shyvana herself cares little about their opinions, preferring instead to channel her rage into her true form-a massive, fire-breathing dragon… that proves the hunters' point. Many hunters claim Shyvana holds an unfair advantage when it comes to slaying the giant beasts that roam the land. An almost supernaturally strong woman, she can-temporarily-hold down beasts weighing several tons, which is exactly the window her fellow hunters need. This quality has led to many of his hunting partners being eaten, which he likes because it causes dramatic tension.Ī beast tamer as well as hunter, Sejuani rides her trusty mount Bristle into the thick of combat before snaring massive creatures in the chain of her flail.

monster hunter league of legends wiki

In addition to being one of the best beast hunters on the mainland, Draven is a master of the spinning blade, and also an incorrigible showboat. Armed with blades crafted from the bones of their first kills, with instincts that rival the most fearsome of beasts, the Hunters protect their people each day from a grisly fate. Humans would surely become their next meals, if not for the Hunters. Gargantuan monsters roam our land, stalking their prey with frightening precision.

Monster hunter league of legends wiki